Innovating with Design Thinking

Design plays a vital role in our lives and is ever-evolving. In the past, it meant designing or planning something. In the early 1800s, the term was synonymous with art, and in the late 1900s, it referred to creating products or services. Over time, design has gone from being a specialized field tied to specific […]

Innovating with Design Thinking

Donald Rattner on Design of a Place and its Effect on Creativity

Does architecture have an effect on how we think, feel, and act?  Donald Rattner has researched and explored environmental psychology and come to the conclusion that it does.  This fact plays into our daily lives, affecting how we act and feel at the office and in our personal lives.  This week on Killer Innovations, Donald […]

Human Centered Design (HCD) S13 Ep29

Guest: Gordon Stannis, Director of Design and Strategy at Twisthink

Over the last few decades, the importance of design has been growing in the context of how to create disruptive game-changing innovations. Human centered design (HCD) is the way that innovators integrate design with a clear view of customer in to the process of creating an innovation that has impact. Be careful as bad design […]

Innovating Design And The Changing Role of Designers S12 Ep17

Guest: Seth Taylor (@stotion)

The role of designers and design thinking is impacting every product and service being created. The old days of a product being created and then tossed over the wall to a designer to “wrap it in plastic and make it look nice” are long gone. With the introduction of products like the iPhone and Tesla, customers […]

7 Innovations Accelerating The Technological Singularity

Envision a world on the precipice of a profound transformation, driven by seven unprecedented innovations, poised to revolutionize every aspect of society. This shift, approaching a technological singularity, carries immense responsibility and high stakes for current and future generations. Our technological prowess is unrivaled. From the simplest inventions to the most complex machines, we have […]

Exploring the Future of Home Automation with OliverIQ’s Will West and Eric Smith

During CES 2024, the innovative products and concepts on display showed the exciting future of technology. OliverIQ debuted to the public with its unique home automation platform. This versatile solution streamlines the process of turning your home “smart.” Founders Will West, and Eric Smith presented OliverIQ as a solution that turns connectivity across devices into […]

When Innovation Stagnates: The Consequences of Slowing Research and Innovation

Imagine a world where people never invented the wheel and were unaware of the phenomenon of fire. Or, more relatable to our modern era, a world without the internet. These inventions, both ancient and modern, were all birthed from the womb of research and innovation. But what happens when this life-giving flow of ideas slows […]

How To Unleash Your Creative Imagination

Have you ever found yourself lost in your thoughts, daydreaming, or ideating without barriers? That’s your creative imagination at work! Creative imagination is an incredible power within us—it can manifest our hopes, dreams, and aspirations. Unleashing the power of our creative imagination can be the key to realizing our personal and professional goals. What is […]

Exploring The Future of Cable Broadband With Paul Broadhurst

I had the pleasure of interviewing Paul Broadhurst, the President and CEO of the Technetix Group. We met in the mobile studio during SCTE Cable-Tec Expo in Denver, CO. Paul shared his excitement about the growing confidence and support in the cable broadband industry. He particularly emphasized the emergence of new vendors and sponsors at […]

Balancing Creativity and Practicality

Two Sides of the Innovation Coin

Creativity and practicality are often two opposing forces in problem-solving and decision-making. On the one hand, we desire to develop innovative ideas and think outside the box. On the other hand, we require practical solutions that we can efficiently implement. However, contrary to popular belief, these two forces do not have to be at odds. […]

Achieving Monumental Innovation with Marginal Gains

For years, the British Cycling team was known for their spectacular failure, not winning a single Tour de France for over a century. Then came Dave Brailsford in 2003, who introduced the concept of “marginal gains.” Brailsford believed that by improving every area related to cycling by just 1%, the cumulative gains would lead to […]

Benevolent Innovation – Blending Profit and Purpose

Imagine a tree that grows in the heart of your community. Each branch represents a different innovation. It’s not simply content to grow and reach for the sky independently. Instead, it shares its bounty with the community around it. Its fruits provide nourishment, its shade offers comfort, and its roots stabilize the soil. The tree […]

The Art of Storytelling For Business and Innovation

Storytelling has been a part of human culture since the dawn of time. In ancient times, our ancestors used cave paintings and oral traditions to tell tales of their exploits, the world, and the gods they worshipped. These stories were a way to instill values, pass down history, and maintain cultural identity. As societies evolved, […]

How Failures Lead to Innovation

In today’s society, people often glorify and celebrate success while they avoid failure at all costs and regard it as shameful. However, failure can be an essential part of the innovation process. Many of the world’s greatest inventions and breakthroughs have come about due to failure. Why is failure a powerful catalyst for innovation? How […]

How To Monetize Your Innovation Skills

A Comprehensive Guide to a Profitable Career

Steve Jobs once said, “Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower.” But can it distinguish between a successful business and a failure? The answer is yes. In this age of cut-throat competition, innovation is key to your success and survival in the market. However, the million-dollar question is how to monetize your innovation skills […]

Revolutionary Ripples – How Small Innovations Can Create a Big Impact

The world we inhabit is constantly changing. From the technological advances of interconnectivity to the global movements that bring about social change, nothing seems stagnant for long. But often, it’s not the sweeping revolutions that move us forward – it’s the small, everyday changes that can create a ripple effect and have a big impact […]

10 Ways to Find New Ideas

Have you ever found yourself stuck in a creative rut, unable to develop fresh ideas? Or maybe you struggle to find inspiration for a new project or task. It can be frustrating and discouraging, but you’re not alone. It’s easy to fall into a routine and rely on the same old ways to find ideas, […]

Navigating Uncharted Territory with Innovation

Hello, Innovators! Welcome back to another episode of the Killer Innovations podcast. I am so happy to be back in the studio with you today, and I’m excited to give you an update on the show and myself. A few months ago, in February, I had to undergo open heart surgery at the Mayo Clinic […]

The Best of Killer Innovations: How to Survive Changing Cycles and Accurately Forecast

Looking at our Best of Killer Innovations Series, we examine the dynamic nature of innovation and how to manage changing cycles best so that you and your ventures can succeed. Today’s latest innovation can quickly be replaced with the next best thing tomorrow.  Whether you’re a newcomer to innovation or a seasoned innovator, there’s something […]

The Best of Killer Innovations: My Innovation Library

Returning to our best of Killer Innovations series, we dive into the importance of reading for the innovator and some stimulating books to stir up your creativity. Building a library of inspiration in your innovation studio ensures you have a ready source of ideas. This inspiration library can come in the form of a collection […]

Unlocking Your Creative Potential

Creativity is a powerful tool, and many underestimate our creative potential. Creative potential is your ability to generate new ideas and connect seemingly unrelated concepts to create something unique or solve problems innovatively. It goes beyond simply having an open mind; it is about actively forming connections that lead to discoveries, inventions, and insights. Many […]

Is Intuition Required for Innovation?

Introduction to Intuitive Thinking Intuitive thinking sometimes referred to as ‘thinking on autopilot,’ is based on prior experience and mental shortcuts. It involves using heuristics and pattern recognition to make decisions quickly and efficiently. Intuitive thinking is essential because it allows us to make decisions without pausing for conscious analysis or deliberation. This helps us […]

Tom D’Eri on Hiring and Managing a Nontraditional Workforce

Tom D’Eri, Co-Founder and COO of Rising Tide Car Wash, joins us to discuss the gap neurodivergent individuals face while entering the workforce and how to bridge that gap by changing hiring methods and implementing strategic operations that are inclusive to those with different skill sets. Prospective job seekers with autism face a massive disparity […]

Jim Kalbach of Mural on Visual Collaboration

Jim Kalbach, Head of Customer Experience at Mural, joins us to discuss innovation efforts in the world of visual collaboration. Remote work was at nearly one hundred percent during the pandemic, creating a need for effective digital whiteboards. Not only did people need a working space, but also a space for visual collaboration to take […]