Innovating the Economy S14 Ep30

Growing up with an inventor dad, Jarl Jensen knew innovation and ideas were in his future.  As a kid, his dad would play the “Invention Game” with him.  His dad would present an object and together they would come up with different ideas for its use.  In his teens, Jarl was already on the road […]

Innovating the Economy

Key To Success: Getting Comfortable Being Uncomfortable S13 Ep2

Guest: Gretchen McClain - Former Chief Director of NASA's International Space Station Program

Innovation is all about change. The need to change includes you and your career, the organizations you are a part of and even the governments that serve us. This change requires us to be in a constant state of being uncomfortable. This weeks guest on the show is Gretchen McClain. I met Gretchen back in […]

8 Ways To Deal With Innovation Antibodies Who are Blocking You S12 Ep10

Answering Listener Questions

Everywhere you turn, there seems to be someone who is blocking you from making progress on your idea. These innovation antibodies seems to have one more reason as to why your idea won’t work. In this weeks Killer Innovations Show, we are answering a listener question on how to deal with these innovation antibodies. Here […]